In memory of Laura Kennedy of the Bush Tetras

Bush Tetras at Hurrah, 1980, shot by Eugene Merinov
Laura wasn't the only bass player to ever play as part of the Bush Tetras, but she was the one who counted. It was her sly & subtle funk lines that graced the two most well known tunes that the NYC based post punk band wrote & recorded: "Too Many Creeps" and "Can't Be Funky." No collection of post punk would be complete without these recordings. With a HUGE outpouring of condolences today on Facebook, it was obvious how many people's lives she had touched.

As the obituary in the Minneapolis City Pages, her recent home's newspaper, said, "Though she hasn't performed publicly for years, Kennedy's legacy will always be tied to her time in New York in the late '70s and '80s. Bush Tetras were one of the first female punk bands to gain notoreity in that era, and Kennedy's bass playing can be heard providing a creeping counter melody to Pat Place's angular guitar riffs in their best-known hit, 1980's "Too Many Creeps." Leave a note for Laura on the Bush Tetras Facebook page.

Originally written for the Vinyl District & published at Stupefaction.




Suzy Thompson said...

This photo seems really rare. I'm sure Laura will always be remembered though, she has become a legacy.

Suzy Thompson said...

This is a really rare photo, I'm sure Laura will never be forgotten, she's now a legacy.